11 Signs Your Meeting Was REALLY Boring

Have you ever attended a meeting that was so boring, that everybody was checking their cell phones, including the presenter?

Well, since this behavior is quite common, it can be hard for you to know whether your meeting was really boring or all the attendees are simply too hooked on social media.

So, to help you get more grip on reality and get you to trust your senses, here are...

11 Signs Your Meeting Was REALLY Boring

  • Ink rub-off on your forehead
  • The beamer went into sleep mode the moment the agenda-slide came up
  • The letters S. O. S. written on the window
  • You had to wake up the presenter on your way out
  • Someone burned the handouts to set off the sprinkler system
  • A paperclip escape chain hanging from the meeting room window
  • An exit sign saying “See you again next week at Astrophysics Anonymous”
  • Drool on your shoulder
  • Fifty dollars in your shirtpocket for winning the staying-awake-longest contest
  • Your laptop’s powercord tied into a hangman’s noose
  • Your transplants beat you to the exit

When this list of 11 makes you think of someone special who can appreciate this or even learn from it, feel free to share the link to this post with them by e-mail.

And/or if you know lots of people who will appreciate, or even benefit from this material (I shudder to think)...

... please share this post via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or Google+ by using the share buttons below.

In closing

If you know of any additonal sign(s) that your meeting is/was boring... please share them with us in the comment box below. I am curious to hear. Thank you.

To your senses,


PS. If you are reading THIS post during a meeting, it does NOT necessarily mean your meeting is really boring. The meeting can be really exciting. But reading this slip, just a bit more.